Tell that idea to Tom and sell them in the store. Make them cheap, because in my country 1 dollar = 3,126780260 pesos
12 bucks = 37 pesos + Shipping = 45 pesos
Pretty lame, even for a hippo.
Age 36, Male
Austin, TX
Joined on 7/25/04
Tell that idea to Tom and sell them in the store. Make them cheap, because in my country 1 dollar = 3,126780260 pesos
12 bucks = 37 pesos + Shipping = 45 pesos
if i'm gonna get tom to help i might as well pitch a plushie suggestion at him too ;P
if youre 19 how come that profile picture is of a 15 year old dyke?
now you sound like the guys at the gas station when they ask to see my ID :(
Sure! and perhaps you can make some sort of contest to win free Bluehippo Swag. Of course i get some free stuff for giving you the idea.
*cough* *cough*
hehehe, that would be swell :3
what's the pink stuff you're holding on your cam image?
[edit] it's ground up bark...
So I'm stuck in a endless cycle.
This makes me sad.
you're probably gonna die :(
I feel I've encroached too much on you these past few weeks.
encroach my crotch
ima use your poop as lube
i'm gonna use life's poop for lube!!
Some type of sex. :/
can you have skull fucking.
happy halloween! lemme guess are you gonna be.....A BLUE HIPPO??!!
lol no i didnt read your post
too much reading for my brain
i'm going as a tent made out of cheese
I want the "Wish you were hippo" poster NAO! >:^( ovids.20642285
thusfar there are two in existence, one in my house, and my friend in chicago has one :3
your flash submissions suck shit >:(
my flash submission on your profile do, yes. :3
your shit submissions suck flash <:)
teeheeheehee :3
uh Colon three is down, duh. Fat People.
really? works for me. that site sucks anyways i gotta finish it :'(
I read the whole thing >.<
Also suggestion : Try to do as much work as possible and then ask for a raise. You will get and then get back to normal working. Hmm... Won't work.
Ok, ok... How about... Nevermind... Oh yeah I got it! Just say "Raise or GTFO." K?
Also MSN please?
heh a lot has changed since i've made this news post, i'm in dire need of making another ... which i plan on doing as soon as this site i'm working on goes live ^_^
1.) I just finished reading all the comments >.<
2.) Let's make friends!
3.) MediaJuice logo hippo has yellow nails? Yum.
4.) Muffins own donuts. Don't they?
5.) I expect you to reply Mista Hippo.
i don't reply to comments; tl...dr...
I love my BlueHippo.
I still cant believe yer a mod. Movin on up, to the East side.
So you still got the normal amount of board buddies, or do you have like hundreds of new cling ons now that you got power?
Anyhoozles, go check out my super cute halloween costume on my blog, yo.
god damn let me wipe your pantys with my tongue super gurrl! :3
Ahhh alright then, you may respond to the comment I made earlier
I'll give you that.
you gave in? naw it's okay, it makes you cool ;P