aha! they return to the portal :D
that was quite the sexy intro, from those sexy stars at the beginning, to that epic movie-esque intro credits. goood to see that old menu again!
f0d: some nice fbf work, haha, short and simple. i love the backgrounds you've included, and the reflection techniques used to make something to simple... so awesome. well done.
sinister: good to see your pulse going in the background, and the rainbow colors were very pleasing. those glasses are quite hawt, but not as hot as the... giant tumor body? :P
Psi: haha, i love how it had to be low quality :( your coloring style is so sexy, but lags so much with all it's hand done gradient awesomeness. especially with all those symbols at once! the music made me want to go drink some german beer...
FLCL: w0h, you made a flash? sure it might be 2 jpgs and some sound.. but you made a flash. w0wza, i love you, i'm so proud of you. now go start making... oh what's that, as i was writing this review a little d00d ran across and effed the two old people in the bum to party boy. that was amazing, i love ya babeh ;)
all hail the d4ilytoons, welcome back to newgrounds, we've missed ya :3